Bible overview from Genesis to Revelation. Seeks to highlight the grand narrative of the Bible.
New curriculum that aims to cover all the main themes in the ACNA Catechism, placing each Bible lesson into the larger context of God’s Kingdom to help the children understand the big picture. Simplified condensed poster version also available.
About the Authors
Although many people were involved in designing this curriculum, Joan Deeks, Ida Greenwood and Kjersti McElrea were the authors and Connie Waldron was the artist of the posters and storyboard props. Each person has come with gifts and experiences that have been a wonderful resource to the completion of this project. We believe it is both a privilege and high calling to share Jesus’ love with children and that it is one of the key ministries of the church.
Joan Deeks: Joan has taught Sunday School for over 30 years. She has also served on the Executive Council for both the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) and the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA).
Ida Greenwood: Ida has 25 years of elementary school teaching experience, home-schooled her children for several years and was an instructor of the Bethel Bible Series at the congregational level.
Kjersti McElrea: Kjersti worked with YWAM (Youth with A Mission) for 17 years. She teaches Sunday School and is actively involved in leadership in several ministries in our church. Her husband, David, is the associate priest at Saint Matthew’s.
Connie Waldron: Art and crafts has been a life-long focus for Connie, who has offered her talents to the church for over 40 years. She has worked with children in Summer Camp counseling environments and Children’s Ministry.
Special thanks to all the teachers and helpers at Saint Matthew’s who participate in Sunday School and have worked with us on this Curriculum offering suggestions and encouragement along the way.
What is the difference between Year 1 and Year 2 in your curriculum?
In the Kingdom Story curriculum (Year 1) the Bible stories are taught chronologically, as we move through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. It aims to give the children the grand narrative of the Bible. This curriculum is inspired by The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm.
In the Kingdom Life curriculum (Year 2), the lessons are taught in themed units that cover all the main points in the ACNA catechism. The focus is on developing a Biblical worldview, where God is at the centre and all life and love flows out from him, through the Church, and into the world. The Kingdom Life curriculum contains more complex theological concepts than the Kingdom Story.
What age group is your curriculum written for?
Our curriculum is specifically designed to work for a K – 5 group, but it can also be used in a multi-class setting.
If you have an all-in-one class with grades K – 5, we recommend alternating Year 1 and Year 2. Even though Year 2 is more advanced in content, the delivery methods are designed to keep the attention of the younger kids, with an abundance of visual aids for the non-readers. The younger kids may not yet fully grasp some of the content in the Kingdom Life curriculum but will gradually grow into these big truths as they hear them again every other year.
If you have classes with different age groups, we recommend teaching the Kingdom Story to grades K – 2, and Kingdom Life to grades 3 – 5.
Is there a cost for the curriculum?
No, the lesson plans and materials are free of cost for use in your Sunday School, Children’s Ministry, Home-schooling etc. If copying the materials for other uses, please acknowledge Saint Matthews Anglican Church.
Is the curriculum for Anglicans, or can other church denominations use it?
The lessons are linked to the new ACNA Catechism to ensure that the lessons are structured to include many of the truths of our faith. However, the curriculum can be used by any Christian denomination that seeks to give the children the “bigger picture” of Scripture and God’s eternal plan in Christ.
What is the best way to use and print the Poster, Poster Summary and Kingdom News?
The Poster and the Poster Summary should be printed together as a double-sided teaching aid. This allows the teacher to hold the poster and read the lesson summary at the same time. The poster is best printed on 11×17 card stock. (it can also be laminated to be used for years to come and as classroom displays. This can be done for a reasonable cost at outlet office stores.) When printing the Poster & Summary, choose the double sided short edge and landscape format options.
The Kingdom News is a take-home paper that can also be used during the lesson time. It includes the story summary for parents and a space for children to make a response drawing. On the back side of the Kingdom News is a word search puzzle that develops the vocabulary that was introduced in the story. This is a double sided document which folds in half with print on all four sides. When printing the Kingdom News, choose the double sided short edge and landscape format options. Children enjoy decorating the cover, drawing and doing the word search.